The Power of Now

Do you ever feel like the days are flying by and you can’t recall how they were spent or if you were even present? Are you ruminating about something in the past you can’t change or working yourself up about an event in the future that is also out of your control? Well, you are not alone! 

Living in the now is difficult. Thankfully, there is a practice called mindfulness. It is defined as the state of bringing conscious awareness to the present moment without judgment. Take a moment to acknowledge how you feel right now, what thoughts you are having, and what’s around you. When we do this, it is almost like we can slow down time. We are in the here and now, not the past or the future, the NOW. What a relief! Studies have shown that as we practice mindfulness consistently there is a reduction in stress and improved life satisfaction and happiness. 

Imagine the quality of your life if you could truly taste each meal and drink you consumed, feel the warm embrace of a loved one, feel your favorite sweater on your skin during the crisp day, and notice the colors in the sky and trees. Again, mindfulness is a practice. No one can constantly live in this state, but we can work on it, and strengthen these muscles in our mind. The moment you know you are not present is a success, because that knowing is presence!

Life is hard, and it may continue to feel that way for many years. We can’t change some external factors in our lives but we can control how we handle and experience the world around us each day. The days will go by no matter how we feel or what we do, but practicing being mindful makes it bearable and enjoyable! You may think, this is a waste of time, this is boring, or what’s the point? I guess you will never have that answer for yourself unless you give it a try. Hey, no better time than the present right? ;) Your life is waiting for you to step back in. 


Our Need for Silence


Feeling Without Judgement